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Trigger Point Therapy

Effective Treatment for Myofascial Trigger Points

Acute or chronic overload can lead to pathological changes in muscle fibers, causing muscle dysfunction and hardening.

These issues can trigger pain that often radiates to other, sometimes distant, areas of the body. The culprits are known as myofascial trigger points. \n\nTrigger Point Therapy effectively targets these pathological changes in the muscles, leading to significant pain relief and improved mobility. This treatment is particularly effective for chronic pain and muscle tension.

areas of application

  • Reduction / elimination of myofascial pain

  • Restoration of the physiological function of muscles and connective tissue

  • improvement of blood and lymphatic drainage

  • improvement of posture and movement patterns

  • Positive effect on the patient's psyche
    In particular, unconscious emotional processes that have led to increased muscle tension

  • Reflexive influence on internal organs


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Where I work

Sportclinic Zurigo
Seebahnstrasse 89   
8003 Zurigo


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